Tag Archives: Japan


An earthquake is the most undeniable and terrifying force of nature.

Nothing makes us humans feel as helpless and scared as when the ground and walls shake around us.

My deepest sympathy and compassionate thoughts are with all of those affected in Japan.

As my personal tribute, some images of most admirable Japanese artists:

Let the sun rise again on them.

Back to dance

I’m back from my well-deserved yet short vacations. I had a lovely time in Southern Brazil then headed for unbelievably hot Rio de Janeiro for some beach/culture time.

But then this is Christmas week and with it comes that holiday feeling, which means less working and even more unwinding.

What shall we do? Enjoy it with some music:

The Suzan is a Japanese all-girl electronica pop group with a twist of CSS I’m delighted to listen to.

Japan has in the past produced quite a few good pop acts, such as the unforgettable Pizzicato Five. Who remembers this song?

To start the week on a happy note.